Document Management
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Why does my business need Document Management?
Reduced Storage Space
Enhanced Security
Improved Regulatory Compliance
Easier Retrieval
Better Collaboration
Better Backup and Disaster Recovery
The Intangibles
- Flexibility
- Competitiveness
- Improved client relations
- Peace of mind
Time is valuable, and time saved is a definite benefit of DMS that often translates directly into increased productivity. Faster and more efficient document retrieval can boost staff morale and increase client satisfaction. Also, document management solutions are scalable to meet the changing needs of any enterprise.
Proper document management systems can bring many benefits to you and your office. Take initiative and schedule a demo today to see how a tailored document management solution can help you by improving business processes and increasing efficiency.
Why choose Document Management Software?
• Check-in/check-out and locking, to coordinate the simultaneous editing of a document so one person’s changes don’t overwrite another’s
• Version control, so tabs can be kept on how the current document came to be, and how it differs from the versions that came before.
• Roll-back, to “activate” a prior version in case of an error or premature release.
• Audit trail, to permit the reconstruction of who did what to a document during the course of its life in the system.
• Annotation and Stamps
Have you ever considered the impact that paper-based processes have on productivity and budget in your organization?
While electronic records are increasingly popular as offices look to become more paperless, hard copy records management is still an important aspect. 80% of information is still paper-based in most organizations. Your staff might be spending more time on file retrieval, document scanning, and document shredding than they should be. Here are three document management statistics to consider when developing a records management strategy.
Document Challenges Account for 21.3 Percent Productivity Loss
7.5 Percent of all Paper Documents Get Lost
77% of Business Owners Want to Access Files Remotely
If the majority of your internal workflows are still paper-based, such as accounting and invoicing, human resources, and customer service, you’ve probably been experiencing productivity loss. Instead, adopt a new document management strategy that electronically converts active files and manages them via a secure software. For older records that you’re required to keep for a definitive number of years, consider an offsite document storage provider to free up office space and take the burden of managing thousands of records off of your staff.
If the majority of your internal workflows are still paper-based, such as accounting and invoicing, human resources, and customer service, you’ve probably been experiencing productivity loss. Instead, adopt a new document management strategy that electronically converts active files and manages them via a secure software. For older records that you’re required to keep for a definitive number of years, consider an offsite document storage provider to free up office space and take the burden of managing thousands of records off of your staff.
Electronic content management software enables you to manage, organize and share vital records, automate workflows and enable your departments to run more efficiently – even when a team member is out of the office.
What is the real cost of paper?
According to most reliable sources, a traditional paper-based document management system usually costs between 13 and 31 times the actual cost of purchasing the paper. That’s because it’s not just the cost of purchasing paper, it’s also the cost of the space for filing cabinets, the cost of off-site archival storage, copy-machine costs, and the cost of time lost looking for files.
If you want to reduce the problems that are inherent in paper-based systems and explore more efficient ways of doing things, you can’t avoid identifying and re-designing procedures that are made cumbersome, costly and inefficient because they’re paper-based.
Start with paper-heavy departments:
- Accounting
- Human Resources
- The Mail Room
Do away with physical forms and physically signing printed documents. In the United States, the ESIGN Act of 2000 gives validity to electronic signatures, making an electronic signature as legally valid as a hard-copy signature.
Face it – the Cloud is here to stay. Digital is the way of today, and the future. A properly secured Cloud ECM Solution is safer than paper.
Despite publicized reports of systems that have been hacked, it’s important to realize that, like airplane crashes, hacking incidents make the news precisely because they’re not usual. And, in most instances, lack of stringent security measures have contributed to the hack.
There are Cloud- based Electronic Content Management and Electronic Document Management solutions available today that employ hackers to challenge their systems daily in order to ensure their lack of vulnerability.
So what are you waiting for? See what a difference going paperless can make for your business!
“Almost 20% of the business time, the equivalent of one day per working week, is wasted by employees searching for information to do their job effectively.”