In our ever-changing world, communication and technology have never been more important to a business, large or small. The ability for a business to get their message out and communicate with their customer base can be the difference between success and failure. Increased productivity with an optimized phone system can increase profits and allow businesses to push the market instead of struggling to keep their head above water. Here are 5 key reasons that a VoIP system from Hogland Office Works can benefit a business of any size in today’s market.

Phone Solutions Tailored to You 

A VoIP phone system from Hogland Office Works is completely customizable and tailored to your business. From auto attendants to the way calls are routed in the system, we can optimize customer experience and employee productivity. Also, with a wide range of hardware we can put the right phone in the right place. We have a phone that fits every need: from multiple desk phones, and cordless options, to conference phones. Our phones also come with the capability to integrate with many of the software solutions that your business currently uses such as Microsoft Office, Outlook, Salesforce, and HubSpot with the option for custom development as well. Do you have remote or in field employees? With our mobile app they too can stay connected to their office phone anywhere. 

Security & Call Stability 

Call security and stability should be key features for any phone system today. With a VoIP system from Hogland Office Works all calls are encrypted, and the system is protected by its own fire wall that detects and blocks threats in the event someone does try to hack your phone network. To ensure call stability multiple carriers are used to make sure your call goes through the first time, every time. In addition, the system checks call stability throughout the call and can switch carriers if needed, ensuring optimal call quality on each call. No more sounding like a robot when you are talking to a customer. 

Private Cloud Hosting

Many of today’s leading VoIP providers are hosted in what is called a multi-tenant environment. This leads to a one size fits all approach to a phone system and brings with it the problem of when one system goes down, or needs to be updated, all systems go down. Think of this example as an apartment complex. If there is a problem with the water in one apartment, the whole complex loses water service until the problem is fixed. With a VoIP system from Hogland Office Works, you are individually hosted in your own cloud space, allowing for a customizable experience, and advanced control of your system. With our phone system you even have the ability to operate when your internet service provider is down.

Mobile Applications

Have you ever wished that employees could have access to their office phone and voicemail anywhere they were? If so, our optional mobile app and PC soft phones are the solution you have been looking for. Both can be tied to an extension of an existing phone in your location or be a stand-alone extension for remote workers on their mobile device. Both options allow you and your staff make and receive calls like they would at an office phone on their mobile device or PC. 

Reduced Costs/Increased Capability

In today’s market, dropping the phone company for a VoIP system can come at a significant savings to any business. There is no longer a need to pay for “dummy” lines that nobody calls and serve as placeholders for traffic in the phone system. With your new system from Hogland Office Works, you will only pay for the lines that customers call, and every phone will have an extension attached to it. This also means no more busy signals or call error messages for people contacting your business daily, even in peak times of call volume. 

With the ability to decrease costs while increasing capability and beef up call security with a phone system from Hogland Office works you can ensure that your business is running at peak performance. When you throw in the ability to fully customize that system to your needs, and the ability to take your users mobile the time has never been more right to make the switch.

Contact us below for an exceptional customer experience while increasing employee productivity today!